【Understanding Drones from Scratch】--Power Batteries

【Understanding Drones from Scratch】--Power Batteries

The drone power battery is an important part of the drone, and understanding the material, capacity, connection, selection and maintenance methods of the battery is crucial to the proper use and maintenance of the drone. Next, we will give you a detailed introduction through three parts.

Materials and raw materials of batteries

First of all, let's understand the material and raw material of the battery. The battery is the power source of the drone, and its quality and performance directly affect the flight effect of the drone. Batteries usually consist of metal or plastic casing, positive electrode, negative electrode, diaphragm, electrolyte and safety valve.

The material and raw material of the battery mainly depends on the type of battery and the application scenario. In the market, common drone batteries mainly include lithium-ion batteries and lead-acid batteries. Lithium-ion batteries have the advantages of high energy density, environmental protection, and rechargeable use, and are therefore widely used in consumer-grade drones. Lead-acid batteries, on the other hand, are suitable for industrial-grade drones as they offer high stability and reliability.

1.Lithium-ion battery: With the advantages of high energy density, long cycle life, and low self-discharge rate, it is the mainstream choice for UAV batteries at present. However, lithium-ion batteries also have certain safety hazards, such as overcharging, short-circuiting, high temperature and other situations that may lead to explosion or combustion. Therefore, when using lithium-ion batteries, be sure to comply with the charging specifications, and avoid using them in high temperature and humid environments.

2.Lead-acid batteries: with high stability, high endurance and low maintenance costs, they are the main choice for traditional UAV batteries. However, lead-acid batteries are heavier, have a relatively low energy density and a relatively short cycle life. When using lead-acid batteries, pay attention to the charging environment, avoid overcharging and over-discharging, and check the battery status regularly.


Difference between series and parallel connection

The connection method and milliampere hour (mAh) of the battery are important factors in determining the drone's range. Generally speaking, the connection methods include series, parallel and mixed, which need to be chosen according to the specific needs of the drone. Series connection is where two or more battery cells are connected together to form a higher voltage source. A parallel connection, on the other hand, connects two or more battery cells together to form a larger current source. In drones, series connections are typically used to provide a higher voltage to drive motors or other high-voltage devices, while parallel connections are used to provide a greater current to drive cameras or other high-power devices.

Milliampere-hour (mAh) is a common unit of battery power, indicating the electrical capacity of a battery at a certain voltage. Simply put, it is the strength of the current that the battery can provide in a certain period of time. A higher number means that the battery can provide a longer flight or a faster charge. In military drones, mAh is also one of the most important indicators for assessing battery performance and endurance. When choosing a battery, it is necessary to make a comprehensive consideration based on the actual needs of the UAV, combined with the battery's range, weight, volume and other factors.

Battery mixed connection is mainly used to improve the performance and safety of the battery pack. In a mixed-connection battery pack, single batteries of different voltages or different capacities are connected together in a certain way to form a multi-stage battery system. This connection can spread the path of current flow through the battery, avoiding the concentration of current in a certain battery, thus reducing the impact of a certain battery failure on the whole battery pack.

In military UAVs, battery hybridization is often used to improve the range and safety of UAVs. Through hybridization, battery packs with different properties and parameters can be combined together to adapt to different environments and missions. In addition, hybridization can also improve the stability of the battery pack and reduce the impact of a single battery failure on the whole system.

When choosing the mixed connection method, it is necessary to consider the voltage, capacity, internal resistance and other parameters of the battery, as well as the specific needs of the UAV and the working environment. At the same time, it is also necessary to consider the battery connection method, protection measures and heat dissipation to ensure the safety and stability of the battery pack.

How to choose the battery according to the need

The battery voltage should match the drone motor voltage. Usually, the voltage of the drone battery is between 3.7V and 4.3V. Choose the right battery model according to the need, such as aerial photography, long-distance flights, loaded flights, and so on.

Factors to consider when choosing a drone battery include flight time, voltage, weight limit, budget and equipment requirements. Generally, higher mAh means longer flight time, while higher voltage provides more drive.

Safe use and maintenance of batteries

Finally, we need to pay attention to the safe use and maintenance of batteries. When installing and dismantling batteries, we should follow safe operating procedures and avoid dangerous behaviors such as overcharging, short-circuiting and collision. You should confirm the voltage and capacity of the battery before use. Meanwhile, check the condition of the battery and maintain the battery regularly to ensure its performance and safety. Regularly maintain the battery, such as charging or discharging, to preserve the life of the battery. It is important to avoid prolonged periods of time when the battery is in a state of loss of charge, which can reduce the life of the battery.

The optimal storage temperature range of the battery is 20℃±5℃. At the same time, the battery should be kept away from wet ground and corrosive gases to prevent the battery from moisture or corrosion. Prohibit "overcharge, overdischarge, overdischarge and self-stop" as well as heavy pressure and other operations, these operations will damage the battery or lead to battery fire and other dangerous situations.

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